Tuam mother and baby home

Bon Secours Mother and Baby Home – Wikipedia

22. feb. 2022 — Hundreds of children died from various causes in the Tuam mother and baby home over a 36-year-period but almost 800 of them have no known graves …

Irish mother and baby homes: Timeline of controversy – BBC

Irish mother and baby homes: Timeline of controversy – BBC News

The Mother & Baby Home or “The Home” was originally known as a workhouse (a place where those unable to support themselves were offered accommodation and …

BBC News NI looks back at how secret burials were first unearthed at one home in County Galway.

Tuam babies: Excavation at mass grave could begin … – BBC

Tuam babies: Excavation at mass grave could begin this year – BBC News

10. nov. 2021 — The Missing Children is nearly 90 minutes long, and not one of those minutes is easy to watch. More than 9,000 babies died in mother-and-baby …

The Irish government publishes draft legislation which would allow excavation at the mass grave.

Tuam Mother & Baby Home

Tuam Home Survivors Network consists of survivors, family members and advocates who seek to inform and obtain a factual representation of this dark period in our recent history. We seek to encourage and enable survivors and those affected, to speak and record their experiences so that we can present a true, factual first-hand testimonial based account that is accessible to all.

Excavation at former Tuam mother and baby home to be …

Excavation at former Tuam mother and baby home to be one of ‘most complex’ ever – The Irish Times

Effort to involve DNA identification process ‘on a scale never done before’ in Ireland, O’Gorman says

Don’t numb yourself to the callousness at Tuam mother …

Don’t numb yourself to the callousness at Tuam mother and baby home. Stay angry – The Irish Times

TV review: For the makers of The Missing Children, this isn’t history. It’s unfinished business

For the Lost Children of Tuam, a Proper Burial at Last

For the Lost Children of Tuam, a Proper Burial at Last – The New York Times

Hundreds of small bodies were buried under a playground at a home for unwed mothers, many in a disused sewage system. Years after Ireland acknowledged the tragic discovery, a resolution is finally near.

Full-scale excavation of Tuam mother and baby home to …

Full-scale excavation of Tuam mother and baby home to start in early 2023

Children’s Minister Roderic O’Gorman has promised to explain his decision to abandon a promised independent review of testimony provided by 550 mother and baby home survivors

Tuam mother and baby home exhumation will start in 2022 …

Tuam campaigner Catherine Corless on battle for justice

Keywords: tuam mother and baby home